Numbers, data, facts.
Would you like to learn more about wefox Insurance? In our annual report, you can inform yourself about the course of the respective business year. It contains the balance sheet and the profit and loss account, the management report, and information about the economic key figures. Further contents are the report of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. You will find the download link below.
Empowering Insurance
Insurance has been around for hundreds of years. Sometimes you can tell: Customer expectations have changed dramatically due to the internet and better service in other industries. Established insurance companies deal with cumbersome processes, outdated IT and customer service that is often in need of improvement. As the first 100% digital and fully licensed insurance service provider, wefox Insurance is built on cutting-edge technology and aims to provide not only the most efficient, but also the best customer service in the market. Tailor-made insurance policies can be taken out via brokers in no time - in simple steps and environmentally friendly without paper.
Annual Reports.
The reporting of wefox Insurance AG is subject to the regulatory provisions of the Financial Market Authority (FMA). In order to provide transparency on the solvency and capital situation of wefox Insurance AG, the SFCR (Solvency & Financial Condition Report) is also published, which fulfills the requirements of the European Solvency 2 guidelines. The 2020 annual financial statements were fully audited by the auditing firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in March 2020 and approved by the Annual General Meeting of wefox Insurance AG in March 2020.
The complete annual reports and the Solvency & Financial Condition Reports (SFCR) can be downloaded here:
Annual report 2019 (DE)
SFCR 2019 (EN)
Annual report 2020 (DE)
SFCR 2020 (EN)
Annual report 2021 (DE)
SFCR 2021 (EN)
Annual report 2022 (EN)
SFCR 2022 (EN)
Annual report 2023 (EN)
SFCR 2023 (EN)